Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kinda giddy...

About finding old friends. So I have a MY Space account that I don't do anything with. Well today I got an e-mail about a friend wanting to add me to her my friend list. So I checked it out and it was an old buddy from high school. Then while I was on there I had a pm from another friend and found yet another from high school. It is kinda crazy but fun! I am pretty giggly over it. These are friends I may or may not keep contact with but it's fun to chat again and reminisce and see how much they've changed.


Vicki said...

Awesome to hear from friends of the past! I still keep in touch with my best friend from high school. Friends are important people!

rose said...

Fun,hearing from friends from the past,I keep in touch with a few from more than 30 years ago now!