Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Yesterday was Quinton first day back to pre-school. He's going again to A Leap Ahead Preschool, in our neighborhood. He was so excited to go and honestly I was glad to have him go too, just because he loves it so much. I took a few pictures of him all geared up to go and this really cute one of him at his desk. He's already remembering a lot of things they learned last year and I am looking forward to hearing about the things he'll learn again. It scares me to think though that next year at this time I'll have a kindergartener.


Holly said...

Enjoy every single moment of their Pre-school days, because when they enter Elementary, the years will fly by. I can't believe this is Jeremy's last year of Elementary. Next year at this time I will have one in Junior High! I remember my Junior High and High School years flying by and I can only imagine my children's years flying by too. Next time I blink, Jeremy will be going on his mission. Anyway, enjoy them while they are young and learning new things. It's a fun and exciting adventure and I have enjoyed every year with each of my kids. I am looking forward to the teenage years with my kids too.

bettyrae said...

Oh how cute! Give Quinton a hug from Grandma!!

Unknown said...

Ah, he looks so cute all ready for school!