Friday, June 22, 2007


So we just finished watching the season finale of Heroes - now that we're in the know, I want to know what everyone thought of that ending...
Did Syler get away? What about Peter and Nathan? Raise your hand if you think they're dead. And what about their mother- was she in charge all along? Does she have any special abilities? Aparently that guy Charles that died (Simone's father) had some sort of power, and so did Linderman - What about Mr. Sulu? (Hiro's father)...


bettyrae said...

I love that show!!! I think syler will be back. Nathan may be dead but doesn't Peter have the power to heal himself? I do think their mother has been manipulating everyone all along. We'll have to wait awhile to find out about these guys. Isn't next season mostly about Hiro going back in time?

Sarebear said...

I think Simone will be back. I think she has a power, too.

Peter doesn't need the power to heal himself in this instance; the source of the explosion, is immune to their own powers (that one guy did a huge number on Claire's house, and he was fine).

The mother will be the new bad guy for next season, along with Sylar, and whomever this really bad guy that the little girl senses. I'm thinking people might have to team up w/Sylar to stop the big bad guy, because they need the power. Maybe. I don't know.

Oh, and I think that girl from India that wanted Suresh to work at her genetics company, will come back into play, at some point.

The thing about Sylar sucks, though. It kind of made alot of what happened pointless, it seems to me.

Hiro, I think IS THAT VERY samurai he was told stories about as a kid, and, in fact, the sword was his to begin with, because he brought it back in time. And then stole it in the future, and then brought it back in time, and . . . paradox, lol! I think more about the nature of the people w/powers and the problems that can happen will be learned through his experiences back then.

I think Peter's mom DOES have a power, but I can't guess what. Part of me wonders if we've seen the last of Linderman too, but we probably have. If he could heal others, maybe he has Claire's power and can heal himself. In which case she can heal others, she just doesn't know it yet. Just a theory, though. If they took the wrong part of his brain, he can still heal back to life, just might take longer than they were in the room . . . .

If Suresh's sister had a power . . . then maybe he does too. And what about his mom, and his dad? his dad is dead, but they've shown him in flashbacks or dreams sometimes, so . . .

and what about the kid in India, who helped Suresh with his dreams? I think there is more India to come, as well as stuff from other parts of the world.

Anyway, interesting stuff.

Dan said...

Love "Heroes" It took me a while to get into it because I started a little late and it was very confusing.But on new years day Mom was sick ant they were having a Heroes marathon on tv. So I got caught up and completely hooked. It took mom a while to get into it, but by season end she was hooked too.

Anonymous said...

So yeah...I may have to watch the show with the commentary now...I'm having serious withdrawls.
I think though that Nathan flew Peter out of harm's way and then took off before he could explode with Peter. So I think they are both just fine. I agree with Sara that there is much much more of the mysteries to come out of India. There are many little quick characters they introduced you to, to obviously, lead into the next season but we haven't heard from them at all. Not so sure Syler will be back but possibly. And the next big bad guy is definatley the "worse than the boogie man," that Molly mentioned. I just wish I knew about Tim Kring (the creator/producer) where did he come up with all these ideas? And why do I keep having "hero-ish" dreams? Does anyone else have that problem? Like I dream about people being able to do all these things that can't normally etc. Maybe it's more of unusual gifts and blessings that will be given to people in the last days! Hmm...ok now it's just sad that I'm starting to think of Heroes on a "spiritually saving" level.